20 Categories of News and How They Affect the Selection of Stories in the Media


There are different categories of news. Some stories have positive overtones, while others are full of extreme behaviour. We all have a bias, and we all tend to see stories in the context of our own values. Here are the 20 categories of news values and the influence they have on the selection of stories in the media.

20 categories of news values

The use of evaluative language in news is not always necessary to construct news values. However, we can identify evaluative language in texts through certain comparators and word forms. Thompson and Hunston propose several markers of value and subjectivity in news texts. These markers include evaluative lexis, intensifiers, and quantitative terms.

Using these news values as a foundation for journalism practice promotes public accountability of the powerful and an informed citizenry. As a result, researchers and practitioners can use these categories to assess newsworthiness in many ways. However, the concept of news values is applicable to a variety of conditions and practices, and researchers will need to evaluate where they fit into the research process and how it can be useful in different contexts.

Influences on journalistic selection

The selection of sources for news articles is often influenced by various factors. For instance, a correspondent writing about science might have a different selection criteria than one covering education. Or a regional journalist might feel an obligation to represent the voices of the community in his area. The selection process may also be influenced by a correspondent’s personal connections to the sources.

Regardless of these influences, journalists need to be aware of their biases in order to produce unbiased news stories. Often, these biases are subtle, like the pressure to write stories that cater to a desirable demographic.

Stories with positive overtones

Stories with positive overtones are a type of news that aims to divert viewers’ attention from more serious news. These stories usually feature interviews with those affected by the events in question, reports of individuals facing hardship, or an exploration of a subject that is close to the audience’s hearts.

These stories are important in news because they can show the dangers of ignorance and misinformation. However, news stories must be believable to avoid negative antistories. A good example of this kind of news is a study that examined the impact of subjective news reporting. The researchers found that news consumers tend to develop biases and eventually agree with the views expressed in the news.