Five Areas in Which Education Should Be Improved


The purpose of education is to promote human flourishing. As such, it aims to make students more aware of their interdependence with others, develop their conflict management skills, work cooperatively and achieve common goals, and respect for diversity and pluralism. Students should also learn to participate in community life, and respect the rights of others. In this article, we’ll look at five areas in which education should be improved. The article will also discuss how disruptions in schooling can affect health.

Formal education

A formal education is an organized, systematic process for attaining different degrees and certificates. It is recognized by the state and begins at a young age. It is usually achieved through schooling, which involves taking classes taught by teachers and completing assigned readings and homework. Students then proceed to a university or college, where they complete a formal course, often following a set program. Throughout this process, students develop the knowledge and skills they need for a successful life. These courses are generally accredited by the relevant national educational authorities.

Nonformal education

Non-formal education is an alternative method of education, which is intended to benefit students of all ages, regardless of background, age, or ability. It uses diverse teaching techniques and does not aim to grant a degree. Its most prominent advocate is Jimmy Wales, who emphasizes the importance of learning for life, regardless of age, income, or culture. The following are just some of the examples of non-formal education:

Alternatives to traditional education

Although traditional schools still have their place, the need for alternative education is increasing. Many students are at risk of dropping out of school or disliking the traditional school experience. Alternative education places a heavy emphasis on flexibility and offers a much more flexible schedule. Students can choose their academic subjects and schedules, while teachers follow their own philosophies. Whether it’s working with a tutor, pursuing an internship, or homeschooling, these nontraditional schools are an excellent option for those who want to educate their children without the traditional classroom experience.

Impacts of schooling disruptions on health

In a recent survey, 11.0 percent of U.S. adults said that schooling disruptions affected their mental health. These disruptions affected parents’ mood, with an increase in the number of parents expressing various emotions. These increases were consistent in both in-person and remote students. These changes were especially noticeable among female students. In addition, students experienced more disruptions in their academic performance and attendance when they experienced a parent’s job loss.

Impacts of schooling disruptions on participation in society

The impacts of COVID-19 are not just a health crisis. The repercussions of this pandemic could also constrict the opportunities of millennials as they enter adulthood. While it is still unclear how much of an impact the virus could have, ripple effects could negatively impact the chances of attending college, finding a rewarding job, and supporting a family. Moreover, the disruption could also have a significant economic impact. The cost is estimated to be in the neighborhood of $128 billion to $188 billion annually.