New York Law and Legislation

Law is a constantly evolving business. What works one quarter may not work the next and that’s why law firms need to be constantly on the look out for new ideas that can help them stay ahead of the competition. One of those ideas is called “law new.” While this concept can be hard to define it typically refers to a set of strategies that are designed to benefit clients in new ways. These include things like working with underserved communities, creating innovative pricing models and providing legal services that can be delivered in a variety of different settings.

A well-thought out strategy that uses the principles of law new can provide a good source of revenue and client satisfaction for any firm. It can also be a way for firms to offer the kinds of legal help that they know their clients need without having to compromise on other areas of practice that might be the primary focus of the firm.

New York Law and Legislation

A number of major changes took effect this year in the State of New York. For example, beginning January 1, 2024, the minimum wage in New York City and Westchester rose to $16 per hour.

Additionally, Gov. Kathy Hochul signed legislation aimed at addressing some of the State’s most pressing issues. In response to the ongoing opioid and drug overdose crisis, she signed a bill allowing local pharmacies and health care providers to distribute life-saving fentanyl test kits. The bill, titled “Matthew’s Law,” was named after a young man who died of an accidental fentanyl overdose.

This new legislation also requires that public agencies disclose to employees and job applicants the availability of federal and state student loan forgiveness programs. It would also require the Department of Citywide Administrative Services, in consultation with DCWP, to prepare a notice on this topic for agency employees and job applicants.

The law of New York consists of constitutional, statutory and regulatory laws passed by the legislature and periodically codified in the New York Consolidated Laws, as well as court decisions that interpret and apply these laws. For more information about the law of New York, please visit the Laws of the State of New York page on the NYS government website.