The Daily News

The Daily News is a New York City tabloid newspaper founded in 1919. Originally the Illustrated Daily News, it was the first successful tabloid in the United States and attracted readers with sensational crime and scandal coverage, lurid photographs, and cartoons. The paper was also known for its sports and celebrity coverage, classified ads, and an opinion section. In the 1940s and 1950s it was a staunch Republican newspaper, supporting isolationism during World War II, and in later decades espoused conservative populism, although it occasionally adopted more liberal positions. The News was a major competitor to the more sensational rival New York Post, and at its height it was one of the largest newspapers in circulation.

In addition to the New York Daily News, the newspaper chain that owns it publishes several other newspapers including The Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune. The newspaper chain is currently owned by the cost-slashing hedge fund Alden Global Capital. The paper has been in decline for years, and in recent months it has been under the ruthless scrutiny of the company’s hedge fund owners. Various reports have stated that the Daily News may be in bankruptcy by 2020, and staffers have already experienced significant layoffs.

Anyone is welcome to submit a guest column for the Daily News, but it is preferred that submissions come from Yale/New Haven residents or address topics relevant to the Yale community. Columns should be clearly written and contain defensible arguments using credible evidence. The editorial staff will review each submission before it is published. Submissions will be edited for clarity and length. The editorial staff reserves the right to reject any column. To submit a column, click the button below. The column will appear in the Daily News online and print editions. The column must be submitted no later than 11 p.m. on Tuesday to be published the following Wednesday.