The Study of Law


The study of law has become increasingly popular, extending into nearly every aspect of life. There are three broad categories of law: criminal law, civil procedure, and evidence law. Criminal procedure concerns the rules of trial and appeals in courts and civil procedure focuses on the rights of citizens to a fair trial. Evidence law concerns what types of evidence are admissible in court proceedings. Ultimately, all three are intertwined and affect all aspects of life.

ONU Law offers a certificate track

In addition to a J.D., ONU Law offers a certificate track. Unlike many law schools, ONU Law uses a unique January semester. This means that students can graduate earlier. ONU Law also offers a certificate track for those who are unable to complete the entire program. Students may choose to take the certificate track in lieu of an LLM. This is an option for students who have a full-time job, but are interested in completing an accelerated program.

Ohio Northern University Law’s Office of Career and Professional Development works with each student to ensure that they reach their professional goals. The Office of Career and Professional Development offers career counseling services and can help students prepare application materials, develop interview skills, and make use of university resources. It also hosts employers to discuss employment opportunities, maintains multiple job posting databases, and offers career-focused resource guides online. Applicants should consider taking advantage of these services, as well as the ONU Law certificate track.

ONU Law offers a combination of a Juris Doctor degree and a master’s degree

The ONU Law program is unique in the way that it prepares students to practice law. It combines academic subjects with skill-based courses to prepare students to practice law. Students complete ninety hours of coursework during their first year, with 35 hours devoted to the semester course on the legal process. Students also have access to study groups and bar preparation courses that help them succeed in their studies.

The course work is fairly similar across all law schools, although class sizes can differ dramatically. A small class size can mean individualized attention and more opportunities for students to apply what they’ve learned. Homework focuses on reading statutes and casebooks. Students may also be assigned to take an exam on public speaking and advocacy. A combination of the two degrees can make a great career choice.

Oxford Reference offers a free “legal” skills program

The Oxford Reference online reference service is a new addition to Coventry Libraries and Information Services. The Oxford reference service features a current English dictionary, grammar and writing resources, and a free “legal skills program.” The resource includes a powerful search facility and specialized guides for legal writing and mooting. Using Oxford Reference, students can search for any term, phrase, or issue in the English language.

The free “legal” skills program can help students understand the citation style and incorporate it into their work. Using the OSCOLA referencing style is the preferred citation style for academic research. The guides can be downloaded from the Law Faculty website for free. Students can learn how to cite OSCOLA style and incorporate it into their assignments using the Oxford Reference. This course is suitable for all levels of students, from first-year undergraduates to seasoned professionals.