Top Sources of Law New Issues News

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The legal industry needs to stay updated on new law news. This can be done by visiting various databases to gain relevant knowledge on legal issues. Here are some of the top databases that can help you make sense of a vast variety of laws.

EBSCOhost is a comprehensive database that includes thousands of scholarly publications. It covers business and legal topics, such as tax, corporate law, employment law, and more. You can also find articles from hundreds of periodicals on business and judicial matters. EBSCOhost also offers the Accounting for Income Taxes BNA Portfolio, which provides insight into the federal tax regulations.

EBSCOhost also offers a comprehensive collection of legal analysis and resources, including the latest legislative news. Aside from that, it features e-books on a wide range of subjects. For instance, you can create your own spreadsheet to keep track of current laws and regulations.

Gale Virtual Reference Library is an encyclopedia and bibliography resource that includes over 72,000 libraries in the United States and worldwide. With its comprehensive coverage of a wide range of topics, you can find reliable information on topics from the arts to the sciences.

JSTOR is another valuable resource. This database contains over 120 arts and sciences journals. Additionally, it provides access to current law review articles in PDF format. In addition, you can browse topic overviews, viewpoint articles, and full-text magazines. EBSCOhost has over two million e-books, ranging from business and finance to technology, science, religion, and more.

LexisNexis is another source of law news. This database provides full-text for over 430 legal publications, including the Federal Legislative History Research Guide. In addition, you can also use the Fact & Issue Finder to find statutes and court decisions.

Gale Virtual Reference Library is a collection of e-books and bibliographic information on social issues, law and policy, and other topics. You can also explore the Corporate Law Practice Center, which includes practice tools such as dictionaries and audio pronunciation files. Plus, you can get access to Edgar filings and agency materials.

Gale has also incorporated a new feature that provides students with federal dockets. You can easily search for the dockets by subject, judicial department, or jurisdiction. This will help you to find case summaries and transcripts of all of the cases filed in your jurisdiction.

The Health Care Law & Regulation database offers a wealth of information on health care law and regulation. This database includes articles and case briefs covering a broad range of medical fields. As well, it features agencies, practice tools, and other materials for health care lawyers.

ABA/Bloomberg Law Lawyer’s Manual on Professional Conduct is another resource. This publication includes current reports, local business publications, and practice guides.

Westlaw is another database you can access for comprehensive coverage of the law. Besides providing law news, it includes corporate law, common law, and statutes. Also, you can get full-text for the National Law Journal and corporate and M&A news.