What is a Daily News?

daily news

A daily news is a newspaper that is published every day of the week and contains current events, such as politics, business, sports and entertainment. Some popular examples of daily newspapers are The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. This type of publication is widely read and has a significant influence on public opinion, especially in the United States.

The Daily News is one of the oldest tabloids in the United States and was founded on January 28, 1919 by Joseph Medill Patterson, who was also the publisher of the Chicago Tribune. He decided to start a new daily newspaper after he and his co-publisher disagreed over the direction of the Tribune.

As its name suggests, the Daily News is based in New York City and covers local and national events. It is known for its sensational pictorial coverage and titillating stories. In addition to its traditional news coverage, the Daily News also features humor, cartoon strips and reader contests. It is a well-read newspaper with a long history of success and was once considered the largest daily newspaper in the world.

During the Roaring Twenties, the Daily News quickly established itself as a leading newspaper in the country, with circulation reaching over a million by 1927. The paper’s success can be attributed to its sensational, pictorial coverage and a willingness to go the extra mile in order to secure an attention-grabbing headline. For example, in 1928, a reporter strapped a camera to his leg in order to capture the image of Ruth Snyder as she was being executed in the electric chair. The picture was a huge hit and firmly established the Daily News as a front-page newspaper.

By 1947, the Daily News reached its peak circulation, with 2.4 million copies distributed each day and solidifying its status as the largest daily newspaper in the nation. The News continued to prosper throughout the 1940s, and by 1948 it had built a television station called WPIX – its call letters were based on its nickname of “New York’s Picture Newspaper” – and purchased what would become the radio station WWFAN.

In the early 21st century, the Daily News struggled to keep up with the rise of the internet and online news sources. As a result, it lost its once dominant position in the city and nationwide and was on the verge of collapse by 2016. The emergence of and massive public interest in the Donald Trump presidential campaign offered the Daily News an opportunity to re-establish itself as one of the city’s most-read media outlets. The News harked back to its roots, employing a more provocative style and tone and even rehashing its most famous headline in the direction of the incoming President: “TRUMP TO WORLD: DROP DEAD.”

In 2017, the Daily News was bought by Tronc, a media company that previously owned the Chicago Tribune. The News continues to publish today from its headquarters in the historic Art Deco Daily News Building on Park Place in New York City.