Writing an Article About Entertaiment

A clown at a birthday party, a Broadway show, a stadium rock concert, your friends fighting over the last potato chip—all of these are forms of entertainment. The word comes from the Latin verb to entertain, which means “amuse” or “distract.” Theatrical entertainment is shows, visual entertainment is artwork, and audio entertainment is music.

When writing an article about entertaiment, determine your angle. Like feature articles, entertainment pieces need a narrow focus. If the topic is a well-known celebrity, for example, research biographical information on the subject. Authorized biographies are more likely to be accurate than unauthorized ones. You can also watch the celebrity on television talk shows to get a feel for her personality.

Another entertainment article idea is about a popular sport. This is a great way to get readers excited about a particular sport and can lead to discussions about other sports, too. Karaoke is another fun form of entertainment that can be a lot of fun for all involved, especially when the bar offers a great atmosphere. It is also an ideal topic to talk about new releases by popular musicians that are coming out.